Tuesday, July 2, 2013




            This post describes one of the confusing topic in C/C++ . Relationship between Pointers and Constants.

Before going to details first of all I would like to brief some basics:

1) Reference & Pointer

The address that locates a variable within memory is called "reference" to that variable. Remember "&" you see all around your C/C++ project :D . Yes!!! its the same.

So, what is pointer :O !!!!

Pointer is a variable that stores the reference to a variable. In other word a pointer points to a variable whose reference it stores.

int i = 10;
int *ptr;  //  pointer
ptr = & i;

/* ---------
here ptr is pointer
and &i is the reference of i (in layman language address of i)What the hell is "*""*" is called the
Dereference operator (*)

* can give you the value from address.
so if
int j = *ptr;
then j == 10 is true;

2) Constant

As the name says constants are entities that don't change its value through out the code.


const int i = 10;
or int const i = 10;
both are same ;)


POINTERS (hubby)" engaged to" CONSTANTS (wife)

                 There are three types of relationship between constants and pointers.

1) Pointer to Constant

Here the pointer cannot change the value of variable whose address it stores. But can change the address it is storing. (Husbands are not faithful !!!! :O  they  can have someone else in there heart :P  and they can't change wife's nature :D)


int i = 10;

int j = 20;
const int *ptr = &i;  //
int const *ptr = &i;  !!! is also valid  :O :P
*ptr = 100; // invalid :
assignment of read-only variable ‘ptr’
ptr = &j ; // valid

2) Constant pointer to variable

Here the pointer can change the value of variable whose address it stores. But cannot change the address it is storing. (Husbands are faithful and are smart enough to change wife's nature  :O)

int i = 10;

int j = 20;
int *const ptr = &i; 

*ptr = 100; // valid 

ptr = &j ;  // invalid : assignment of read-only variable ‘ptr’

3) Constant pointer to constant

Here the pointer neither change the value of variable whose address it stores. Nor it can change the address it is storing. (Husbands are faithful and  helpless :D :P)


int i = 10;

int j = 20;
const int *const ptr = &i; 

*ptr = 100; //
invalid : assignment of read-only variable ‘ptr’
ptr = &j ;  // invalid : assignment of read-only variable ‘ptr’

Up Qualification & Down Qualification

int i = 10;
const int j = 20;
int * ptr1;
const int *ptr2;

ptr1 = &i; // valid
ptr1= &j; // invalid: called down qualification in C/C++

ptr2 = &j; // valid
ptr2= &i;  // valid : called up qualification in C/C++


int i = 10;
    int j = 20;
    int* ptr0;
    const int* ptr1 = &i;    // int const * ptr1;
    int *const ptr2 = &i;
    const int *const ptr3= &i;
    *ptr1 = j; // invalid
    ptr1 = &j ; //valid
    *ptr2 = j; //valid
    ptr2 = &j; // invalid

    *ptr3 = j; //invalid
    ptr3 = &j; // invalid
    ptr1= &pp; // valid : up qualification
    ptr0 = &pp; // invalid : down qualification

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